Blaze Blaze

2020 4DT #1 Reports

Catamount Trail Association's 2020 Northern Four Day Tour #1 ("N4DT#1")
from Saturday January 18 to Monday January 20, Sections 29 through 31
Trip Reports:

The forecast leading up to the CTA 2020 Four Day Tour #1 was rather uncertain, and not encouraging. Heavy rain and warm weather in the few days prior, and then very cold and no new snow, but maybe something happening on the weekend. I figured if I canceled the tour, we'd get dumped on and wish we had skied, and if I ran the tour we'd have only dust-on-crust. So I decided to try to trick Mr. Murphy. Murphy's Law says "If something can go wrong, it will." So I canceled the tour, starting a cascade of events that led to a snowstorm forecast for the weekend. Then I un-canceled the Saturday, Sunday and Monday tours. Here's what happened:

1/17/2020 Friday's tour was canceled, it was going to be very cold, the cover was uncertain, the lake crossing on the Craftsbury Outdoor Center trail had been closed due to slush.

1/18/2020 Saturday we had six skiers for Section 29. We met at the Lowell Town Hall and Jan shuttled three drivers up to the end-of-plowing on the east side of Rt 58. We headed out on very thin cover, such that some folks walked the downhills to the river.

Heading out on a cold morning from Lowell Town Hall
This made me glad we had skipped Section 28 the day before, since we would have had 13 miles of this. We appreciated the new VAST bridge and Jan's bridge.

VAST rebuilt this bridge across the Missisquoi after the Halloween flood
The climb up to Hazen's Notch was very pretty. At lower elevations the base was non-existent but the cover was adequate and the new snow made for nice skiing. The thing that plagued us for three days was that all the ground water from the prior rain was waiting under the new snow. Every low spot had to be carefully negotiated since you couldn't see the saturated snow at the bottom, but your skis would find it and ice up. This seemed to plague the back of the pack more than the front, with lots of ski scraping.

Beautiful fresh snow
This and a few equipment problems (iced bindings from stream crossings, and one ski that delaminated its base) led to a late lunch at the cars.

That is one ski, split in two!
At this point everyone (Jan joined us too) decided to ski up to the notch, with three folks skiing over-and-back. We met three guys with packs and sleds who were out for several nights, from Lowell to Jay Pass on the CT.

Climbing back up into Hazen's Notch

A relaxing and well-deserved dinner at Jan's

1/19/2020 Sunday ten of us decided to ski Sec 31, so that Monday could be a 'short' day on Sec 30 'downhill'. Overnight we got another ~10" of fluff. This led to driving issues on Jay Pass and lots of activity at the parking lot at the top. We left cars at Jay Village but not at the border. We all enjoyed the trip down to Jay Village, a 1000' descent. We had some trail-breaking work to do with the new snow.

Climbing up from Jay Pass in new snow

A well-drifted in bridge

Plenty of trail-breaking today






Jay caught a bunch of skiers in a tricky descent
There were pre-storm tracks to follow, but often it was easier to ski beside them because they had drifted in and were deeper than the untracked snow. According to Greg's altimeter, we also climbed 1000', so overall it is 2000' of descending.

More trail-breaking
Be sure to always ski in control...

Thank you, bridge builders and trail maintainers
Nice snow, good base until we got down low, where the stream crossings and steep gulleys were tricky. The watery snow/ski-icing problems were prevalent today as well.

A future End-to-Ender
Most folks felt this was enough skiing for one day, but a few folks kept skiing toward Canada. Will drove to Rt 105 and met the skiers there, and we all drove up to North Troy Road (hard to find the trail head here). Then we headed out across the fields, with some blaze-finding problems, to the Canada border.

A future End-to-Ender at the Canadian border, only 270 miles left to go!
A nice party at Jan's followed.

1/20/2020 Monday eight of us skied Sec 30 southbound 'downhill'. We left cars at the Montgomery end of Rt 58 and drove to Jay Pass. Sec 30 had been skied uphill by the overnight folks with sleds so it was easy to follow, but still had the wet-snow issues of the previous days.

A frosty view west of Jay Pass

A cold and motley crew
I don't think I ever had to scrape my and other's skis as often as on these three days. The base was thin so the eroded logging roads were tricky to ski in places. Some folks used skins on the mid-section climb.

Skins were useful for parts of this 'downhill' section

Are we there yet?

Be sure to look around, it isn't just about the skis and the snow

Even the drive home can be beautiful in the Northeast Kingdom!

It was fun to have a group that consisted of seasoned end-to-enders (seven in all!) as well as new comers to CTA tours.

Thanks to all the landowners and trail maintainers and bridge builders and other behind-the-scenes helpers. Thanks to the CTA office staff for their support of the tour and the trail.

Thanks to Marie, Lynn, Will and Jay for photos.

Here is the N4DT#1 by the numbers:

3 days of skiing,
52 skier-days registered,
24 actual skier-days skied,
11 skiers skiing at least one day,
26.3  miles of Catamount Trail skied,
174 skier-miles skied,
10, most skiers on any day,
6, fewest skiers on any day,
4 women skiers,
7 men skiers,
10" of new snow overall,
2 couples skiing together,
6 skiers who skied at least part of all four days,
3 skiers new to MultiDay Tours,
7 skiers who were already End-to-Enders,
2 skiers who skied every part of all three days,
1 group potlucks at nearby homes,
5 trail chiefs who helped keep these sections of trail clear and available,
235+ emails to or from the tour coordinators,
1 host who opened his home for skiers,
2 boot failures,
1 ski failure,
0 bailout cars used.
0 days of rain forecast,
0 days of actual skiing in the rain,
1 days canceled for bad skiing,
0 injuries,
0 days canceled for bad weather,
0 lost skiers,
0 skiers who went away mad,
0 skiers who missed a day due to communications mix-ups,
0 skiers left at a trail head,
0 car problems or accidents,

These things were all uncountable, as they should be: smiles, laughs, thank yous, calories burned, help offered, beautiful vistas, tracks in the snow, interesting trail conversations.

Some people just can't take skiing seriously!

Pray for Snow!

Go to the CTA's 2024 "Multi-Day Tour #7" Main Page